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- The complete interviews:...
- Interview with Sir...
- Interview with Joh...
- Interview with Sir...
- Interview with Nor...
- Interview with Jud...
- Interview with Kat...
- Interview with Rex...
- Interview with Bar...
- Interview with Har...
- Interview with Rog...
- Interview with Fra...
- Interview with Jer...
- Interview with Fra...
- Interview with Iva...
- Interview with Pat...
- Interview with Joh...
- Interview with Rus...
- Interview with Kin...
- Interview with Hen...
- Interview with Cha...
- Interview with Ron...
- Interview with Mau...
- Interview with Reg...
- Interview with Bob...
- Interview with Tho...
- Interview with Tre...
- Interview with Dav...
- Interview with Joh...
- Interview with Moy...
- Interview with Bea...
- Interview Hiwinui ...
- Interview Hiwinui ...
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Description: This licence lets users distribute, remix, tweak, and build upon this work, even commercially, as long as they credit the creator for the original creation. This is the most accommodating of the licences offered, in terms of what users can do with the works licensed under Attribution.
Fowler, Kerry, Interview with John Fairley, 2000 (2000). Rotorua Library - Te Aka Mauri, accessed 12/12/2024,