Authorised nameBungalow Boarding HouseOther forms of nameBungalow Private HotelAustralia InnDates of existenceca.1903-1991DescriptionThis boarding house/private hotel was at 13 Hinemoa Street and was originally a nursing home when the 'Misses Yates' were the owners. Other owner/managers were Mrs M. Melville ca.1905-1910, Mrs K. Constant ca.1912-1923, Mr Caleb Tapper ca.1918-1938.
The Bungalow was sold in 1938 to Harold & Elsie Branch they were there until ca.1945, Mrs Cottrell ca.1945-1950, Mrs & Mrs Duffy ca.1949-1966, Mr & Mrs R Lake ca.1964-1971, Mr & Mrs Temple ca.1972-1991. The name of the establishment changed to Australia Inn ca.1980-1991.SourcesStafford, Donald Murray (1987). Don Stafford File, Hotels V1. Don Stafford.